Jumat, 03 Juni 2016


Basketball is the most popular sports in America. In Indonesia basketball under the control PERBASI  also has been a craze for the community, especially for teenager. The sport was invented by Dr. James Naismith. Official game of basketball was first contested on January 20, 1892. Some basketball competition held every year, which are the British Basketball League ( BBL ) in the UK, the National Basketball Association ( NBA ) in the United States, and the National Basketball League ( NBL ) in Indonesia .
Basketball is a big ball game played by two teams, each team consists of five players both boys and girls which is played on a field that is on a rectangular field which aims to include as many balls into the opponent Ring .
Playing time is 4 x 10 minutes as International Basketball Federation rules. While the version of the National Basketball Association playing time is 4 x 12 minutes. Consisting of 4 round with a time of rest for 10 minutes. Referee 1 called referee while the second referee called Umpire.
Basketball court
   Playground consists of a flat floor , hard and free of obstacles. Field size rectangular with details :
- Field length = 28 meters
- Width field = 15 meters
- Pitch circle diameter = 3.6 meter
- High- Ring = 2.75 meters
- Diameter Ring = 0,45 meters
Basic  Techniques Basketball
1. Dribbling
      Dribbling is a technique to bring the ball to prevent an opponent in order to score points .
Steps that can be done to make dribbling :
    - Stepped both feet slightly bent
    - Body leaning slightly forward
    - Push the ball to the floor with the palm of hand either right hand or left

     There are two types of techniques dribbling in basketball , namely :
a. High dribble
     Done to dribble quickly entered the opponent's defense by way of a brisk walk / run
b. Dribble Low
     This technique is done to keep the ball from seizure main opponent .
In doing dribbling technique you have to bouncing the ball after step 3 times, because if it exceeds it will be considered a violation and can add score to your opponent.
     2. Passing
Passing is a motion to throw the ball to his teammates by using one or two hands . This technique is done to prevent the opponent to steal the ball. There are 6 types of passing can be done to develop a strategy and be able to get points :
- Overhead Pass
- Chest Pass
- Baseball Pass
- Bounce Pass
- Hook Pass
- Under Pass
     3. Pivot technique
          A rotary movement in any direction by leaning on one leg at the time the player had the ball , while the legs are moved can skip forward or back .Pivot movement function is to protect the ball from opposing players fight .
     4. Shooting
Can be done by one hand or two hands. Shooting also to do with jump ( lay up ) or without jumping. Steps in conducting shooting :
- standing in front of the right leg and left leg behind .
- With both knees low, the ball is held by the right hand over the head with the fingers open , while the left hand help hold .
- Then the ball is fired in a state arms straight

      5. Rebound technique
          Rebound is a technique defeating opponents who wanted to put the ball into the hoop. The basketball players must master these techniques so that your opponent difficult to get the score

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